Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Caffeine Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Caffeine Abuse - Essay Example Caffeine abuse is becoming increasingly common among college students and could have damaging impacts on their health. For many of us it is hard to function without caffeine. Whether it be writing your research paper late last night or waking up early this morning in order to make it to class on time, caffeine can often be a college student's best friend. Actually, caffeine is a stimulant found in seeds, fruits and leaves of more than sixty plants. It is found in most parts of the world. Go in Arabia and you will find caffeine in the coffee bean. Visit China and caffeine will be there in tea leaf. In West Africa and Mexico, caffeine exists in the kola nut and the cocoa bean, respectively. Although the aforementioned figures are quite old but things today are not quite different. But, the point is that lots of foods and beverages are the source of caffeine and that's the reason why it is hard for people to stay away from using it. In fact, it is the easy availability of caffeine that most people never become able to quit using this substance. Here, it can easily be noticed that tea and coffee remain to be the premier source of caffeine, which are used all over the world because of the "wake-up" effect. Since the available caffeine gets absorbed by your body without much ado and creates a direct impact on cardiovascular and nervous systems, the usual result is increased attentiveness and decreased fatigue. This is the foremost reason why college students don't become able to stay away from developing a bad habit of drinking tea or coffee. But, the range of symptoms caffeine intoxication or caffeine abuse can show up with an ingestion of 100mg of caffeine but 250mg or higher Over the course of my college career I myself have become quite dependent on caffeine in order to keep up with the high demands of school, work and a social life. Like many of you I have become so accustomed to caffeine that I often disregard its potential for abuse. According to the US News & World Report, caffeine is the world's most popular habit forming drug and its abuse among young people is a growing concern for many doctors. "In the past three years alone, the number of 18 to 24 year olds who

Monday, October 28, 2019

Terrorism Essay Example for Free

Terrorism Essay Given the growing global threats of terrorism, it is significant that an understanding of the history, nature and mechanism-premises under which terror operates is obtained. This is significant as it would shape the perspective of policy makers when addressing issues of this nature. Terrorism, as it is understood is the action of none-state weak actors, individual or groups, who for some reasons feels suppressed, marginalized and, or denied what they may view as the basic human right. All terrorism has political objectives, even though the perpetrators may use religious relics to appeal to a wider existing audience, and invoke a response through violent act to prove or propagate their point. Yoram Schweitzer in Suicide Terrorism Development ump; Characteristics, Mark Sedgwick in Al-Qaeda and the Nature of Religious Terrorism, and Dr. James Armstrong, all demonstrates that suicide terror attacks are politically motivated even though the perpetrator may use religious symbolism to justifies their acts. Observing areas in the world where terrorism is frequent, especially in the Middle East, it can be argued that groups that engaged in terrorists activities are those that feel suppressed and taken advantage of by a much greater power. Thus, terrorism, particularly suicide terror is prevalent in areas where systems of gross injustice seem to exist. Therefore, the actual use of terrorism by non-state actors is a tactic aimed at polarizing the population in their favor. By killing people in mass number, they are attempting to take away the view that only the state can legitimately kill – thus undermining the state authority. As Armstrong, Sedgwick and Schweitzer exemplify, suicide terrorism is not a new happening, but an old historical phenomenon. And that just as modern day terror organizations, particularly Al-Qaeda, uses religious concepts to motivate its actions (though their immediate goal is political), various old terrorist groups have used similar approached to achieve their political end. To understand the history of suicide terrorism and how terrorist groups in the past have used religious tone to propagate their political course, Armstrong pointed out the Zealots-an extremist Jewish sect that opposed Jesus. The Zealots engaged in political assassinations of their political foe, knowing that they would be killed in the process. Even though their ultimate goal might have been religious, the Zealots immediate aim was political. In the same way, during the third century, the Assassins- a notorious terrorist wing (similar in nature to Al-Qaeda) in modern day Syria, assassinated many of their political opponents in order to establish their own form of Islam. In this case, although their ultimate goal was religious, their immediate objective was political. They wanted to institute a government that would represent their view. According to Armstrong, these were the first sets of suicide terrorism. Besides their used of terror, these two groups share other things in common. They both resorted to suicide terrorism based on the situations they find themselves. As indicated, they both feel suppressed or taken advantage of, and consequently wanted to turn their situation around through the use of suicide terror. Armstrong cited that the first wave of modern day suicide terror occurred in Lebanon at an American embassy in Beirut 1983, and was carried by Hezbollah (meaning the army of God). The formation of Hezbollah and its used of suicide terrorism came about as a result of Lebanon being under foreign occupational forces from Israel, France and the United States. The second suicide terror attack by Hezbollah was against the U. S. Marines headquarter, which was followed by an attack on the French multinational force. The last two, as Schweitzers (2000: 2) implies, resulted in the death of 300 personals and dozens injured. These events led to the departure of Western forces from Lebanon. Having two more enemies to face, Hezbollah redirected its suicide terror attacks against South Lebanese Army and Israeli military positions. Hezbollah suicide terror attacks forced the Israeli army to pullout from their heartland of central Lebanon, and caused the UN peacekeeping force to withdraw completely. Observing such occurrence, one could notice that Hezbollahs actions were mainly political. Even though they may glorify and promote martyrdom to achieve their course. Also Schweitzers demonstrates that Hezbollah tends to use suicide terror against Israel as a deterrent and retaliatory apparatus. He exemplify for instance, that after an Israeli air force assassinated Abas Musavi, secretary general of Hezbollah in February 1992, Hezbollah retaliated by carrying out suicide bombing against Israeli embassy in Buenos Ares, in March 1992 injuring 250 people and killing 29. In addition, Armstrong forwarded that, terrorist organizations tend to decrease their terror activities whenever they seem to achieve a political objective. For instance, he reasoned that in Lebanon, suicide terror increased when the Israeli army arrested top Hezbollah leaders, but decreased when the prisoners were released. These indicate that the primary goal of suicide terrorist organization is political, not religious. Also, because the dominant religion in the Middle East is that of Islam, terrorist organizations use this to their advantage. By using religious tone to propagate their course, they are effectively communicating to an audience that understands them in that term, which helps to promote their political agenda. To illustrate that the main objective of suicide terror groups is not religious, but political, Armstrong cited the Tamil separatist group in Sri Lanka-the LTTE as another example. The LTTE is a secular nationalist group that seeks to establish an independent state in Sri Lanka that is occupied by the ethic Tamils. The LTTE has engaged in conventional, guerrilla, and terror campaign, with over 200 suicides bombing (more than any other terrorist group) since the late 1980s. The carnage has lasted for two decades now and has resulted in the deaths of 60, 000 people. Although the LTTE gained some of their inspiration from Hezbollah, they are clearly a secular group with no religious claim to back or color their course; but have so far committed the greatest number of suicides terrorism in history. The popular image of Muslims Arabs in the Middle-East shouting God is great in the wake of terror attacks might have blinded some scholars into concluding that the main motivation for terrorism is religion. Suicide terrorism spreads to Israel in 1993 by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Hezbollah also influenced both of these two groups with regard to the uses of suicide terrorism. Because their audience is predominantly Islamic, they have been successful in exploiting just that in propagating their course against Israel. In essence, what Hamas is doing is what any other group (terrorist or non-terrorists) would do – speak in the language that their audience would understand the most. In this case Islam. Secondly, it has been argued that the practical existence of the day-to-day Palestinians lives-living under constant occupation by a much greater power, Israel, created a condition for suicide terrorism to strive. The pervading view is that Israel, being a super military power in that part of world has used and continues to exercise absolute military superiority over the Palestinian people with the backing of the United States. This, most scholars argued, have created enormous amount of anxiety, desperation and anger between Palestinian and Arabs alike all over the globe. Since 1993, Hamas has carried out numerous of suicide bombing against Israeli claiming that they have no interest in politics and that their main objective is based on moral grounds-aimed at avenging the death of their loved once and to create a stable social situation for the Palestinians. Armstrong (2006) argues that this may be partially true because over the years, Hamas embarked on many social programs, health care, education and various construction projects to better the lives of the Palestinian people. But as evident today, Hamas has transformed its movement into political stage in its quest to institute a system or government that would represent their view. Armstrong (2006) attests that this new wave of religious terrorism might have derived from the fall of the Soviet Union. The fall of the Soviet, which also marked the end of colonial outposts in most of the Middle East, created a vacuum in anti-colonial terrorism, resulting in religious suicide terror. Thus, most of what Middle Eastern terrorism is about today is anti-imperialism. They view western way of life as suppressive and corrupt and wanted to create a state or government that would protect their culture. This view is illustrated in most of Osama bin Laden’s (head of Al-Qaida) demands – that the United States should pull out all its force from Middle Eastern lands. His main goal is to create a system of govern with very little or no western influence. This brought me to the question as to whether the U. S. war on terror has been effective. Most scholars have argued that the United States has fashioned conditions in the Middle East, especially in Iraq that would precipitate the creation of more terrorist activities than existed there before. All together, Armstrong (2006) argues that the U. S. war on terror is equivalent to waging a war on global warming by producing high fuel machinery that doubles the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. You cannot fight a successful battle against problem by creating conditions that caused it in the first place. But this is exactly what the U. S. is doing. By invading Iraq and deploying our forces there, we are unconsciously proving the points or propaganda of terrorist organizations that, the U. S. is this evil country that is taking over or occupying Arab lands and is suppressing Muslims all over the world. They are not aware that the US main interest is to protect freedom and liberty of all people, regardless of their ethnic or religious affiliation. Also, as Armstrong exemplify, one cannot fight against terrorism because it is a tactics, a strategy of non-state weak actors. Thus, in order for terrorists groups to get what they want, they need all the strategies they have employed this far – invoking response that would prove their point through violent theater, solicit mass organization to achieve their goal, polarization of the population and the use of symbolism and exploitation of religious tones to justify their course even though their immediate goal might be political. Absorbing both the intellectual and moral realm of this argument, terrorism of any kind is unacceptable. By engaging in terror activities, the propagators inexplicable invalidate whatever moral argument they might have had. People should follow the examples of Mohammad Gandhi and Martin Luther King’s Jr. , non violence approach to fight for a course they believe is just.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Review Of Wwf Wrestling :: essays research papers

WWF: A Review of Professional Wrestling  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bang! Fireworks as if it were the fourth of July. Thousands of people in an arena and billions watching around the world anxiously awaiting the arrival of their favorite superstar. Suddenly the crowd erupts as a man comes strutting down to the squared circle. Accompanied by a beautiful busty young woman, the wrestler is cheered by his loyal fans and booed by his enemies. Soon , another man enters the stadium the same way as the first man. The two men stip into the ring with a certain sense of cockiness about themselves. Before the referee can even tell everyone that the match has started, the two men are already battling in the “squared circle';. During the fight there are many suspenseful moments. Brutally beating each other for five minutes the match is finally over with some bloodshed. Today people are taking wwf professional wrestling to the extreme. WWF wrestling is one of the most watched shows on television today. WWF stands for the World Wrestling Federation. Wrestling starte d sometime it the mid to late sixties and has changed dramatically over the years. When wrestling first came to be the wrestlers weren’t like they were today. Back in the olden days of WWF wrestling, the storyline of wrestling wasn’t as vulgar, and the industry was not as wide spread throughout the world. Today the whole industry of the WWF is benefitting from merchandise being sold all over the globe. Even though many people may consider wrestling to be fake, know that some aspects are very real. There have been some instances where people have gotten hurt and even died from a stunt gone bad. There was an instance about half a year ago when a professional wrestler named Owen Hart was repelling from the rafters on a cable and the piece that was attached to his harness snapped and he plummeted 40 feet broke his neck and died. This was a tragic loss to every wrestler and to the whole WWF world. If this isn’t real you wouldn’t know what was. Another example of r eality is when Stone Cold Steve Austin was being suplexed (a professional wrestling move when your opponent lifts you in the air and slams you into the mat), his opponent landed Austin wrong on the mat. This resulted in a career ending surgery for Steve Austin. One thing that wrestling has done over the past couple of years is raised media uproar pertaining to violence at home between children.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Value and Purpose of Literature

Value and Purpose of Literature Literature is expressed in varying ways, such as poetry, novels, history, biographies, and essays. Depending on which type of work you are reading, the purpose and interpretation is different as it is depending on the person that is reading it. The purpose of literature is to get a diverse set of people to read the same piece of work and comprehend it differently, but still have the same affect on them. The purpose also depends on the genre. History is a guide for the future; it helps us figure out future plans and to help us not make the same mistakes we did back then. Poetry and novels are more of an artistic way to entertain people or to get how you truly feel onto paper and see if anyone else could relate. Biographies and essays are more of an informational bit written to persuade or inform the reader of an occurring problem or of a person who is significant in the work they have accomplished. The Red Badge of Courage, written by Stephen Crane, is a fictional novel talking about a soldier in the Civil War that ditches the war to save his self and then feels guilty and goes back to become one of the best soldiers in his regiment. This novel was written clearly for entertaining the reader and for a little history lesson about who won the war. A Separate Peace, written by John Knowles, is also a fictional novel about a young man at a school readying him for war where he finds what he is capable of. The value of literature is measured on how much the reader enjoyed the book. Reading is a pleasing way to pass the time for some people and can in many ways affect the way you live and the way you think. The value a book can have on a reader is unlimited. It can change the way people live with and influence each other, helps one understand the past and how the world has evolved, teaches a lesson that will inspire the reader to live a better life, and helps us asks questions related to the standards of a â€Å"good† life, but doesn’t always answer them. Literature is one way that humans can communicate their thoughts and feelings to one another. Though the genres, purposes, and interpretations may differ, it is a universal tool and usually affects the reader in more than one way.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Imperialism Essay

Identify the countries or areas where the United States engaged in imperialistic actions during the period from about 1870 to 1914. Discuss why each area was important to American empire building (political, economic, and social). Explain America’s expansionist ideals. What were some of the factors that justified American imperialist actions? Identify the current political status of these places in relation to the United States. Age of Imperialism: 1870 to 1914 Place Why was there interest? U.S. actions Status today China The United States wanted to sell American Goods to their market. Treaty of Wanghsia in 1844 opened several Chinese Ports for American trade. The United States is currently China’s greatest Ally. Samoa The United States wanted to support naval fleets in the Pacific. 1872; United States was granted a naval base at Pago Pago. In the 1880’s the United States, Germany as well as Britain jointly signed treaties of occupancy. 1899 the treat was revised giving the United States a protectorate over the Eastern islands which became U.S territory.  Unincorporated Territory of the U.S; now called American Samoa Hawaii The United States wanted to construct a naval base and wanted their sugar plantations. 1875; The United States signed a trade agreement with Hawaii. In 1887 the United States was allowed to construct a naval base at Pearl Harbor. In 1890; the U.S tariff policy placed heavy tax on exports from Hawaii. American rebels over threw the Queen and Hawaii didn’t receive annexation to the United States in 1898; after going into a Pacific War with Spain. Incorporated into the United Sates and the people became U.S. citizens in 1990. The Philippines The United States wanted the Philippines; in its effort to attain global power and to become a market for American manufactured products. The United States acquired the Philippines from Spain in 1898 after the Spanish-American War. In1899 a Filipino leader Agunaldo led a war against the U.S. which resulted in the country being an unorganized territory. The Philippines is currently an independent country. Cuba The United States wanted Cuba for their sugar plantations and its rich resources. The Spanish-American War of 1898 prompted the United States to declare war against Spain that resulted in the Cuban War of Independence. This war was started by Spain’s harsh treatment of the Cuban people which was unsuccessfully fought for decades. The Teller Amendment was legislation passed by congress which barred the United States from annexing Cuba; forcing the U.S to leave it independent once the war was over. Currently; the United States has imposed an embargo on Cuba in 1960 and broke diplomatic relations in 1961 following the Castro regime. The U.S has attempted to reach out to the Cuban government in regards to their human rights policies; in doing so the U.S implemented the 1994-1995 U.S- Cuba Migration Accords. Currently, the U.S still remains Cuba’s largest supplier of food. Puerto Rico The United States wanted to use Puerto Rico for it’s natural rich resources and for naval purposes. Towards the end of the Spanish-American War the U.S invaded Puerto Rico which at that time belonged to Spain. In December of 1898; the treaty of Paris was signed which ended the Spanish-American war and gave the U.S power over Puerto Rico. Commonwealth of the United States. Part 2 Answer each of the following prompts with a response of at least 200 to 300 words: Trace the path of American imperialism during the period from about 1870 to 1914 through political, military, and economic events. Why was the United States interested in expansion in these areas? Why was America building a global empire? What were the benefits of America’s imperialistic actions for the people in these countries or areas? What were the disadvantages? How would you describe their experiences in terms of being conquered, assimilated, or marginalized? What were the moral implications of American imperialism? How did Imperialists justify their actions? How did the Anti-Imperialists justify their position? Consider the role of race, economics, science, and religion. What significance did the Spanish-American War have in the development of the United States as an empire and world power? Do you think the United States is currently an imperialist country? Why or  why not? Cite and reference all information sources consistent with APA guidelines.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Personal philosophy of leadership Essay Example

Personal philosophy of leadership Essay Example Personal philosophy of leadership Essay Personal philosophy of leadership Essay Leadership Leadership is the ability of one to steer others ; it is based on 1s abilities and qualities instead than accomplishments. One is born with these built-in qualities and of course leads others ; these qualities are such as honestness, bravery, assurance, finding and wisdom among others. A leader is different from a director, while a leader is born with the qualities a trough is created from accomplishments he acquires. The leader can go a trough while a trough is non needfully a leader. The leader is seen as a individual in charge they are consulted for they ability to do determinations and steer the class of events. While this may be true the leader is besides a retainer, a good leader s intent is to function those who he has been bestowed upon the duty of steering. This may look absurd but looking at leading from a critical point of position one is able to understand the immense duty on their shoulders as they are frequently looked upon. The place of leading is either bestowed upon them or it comes of course, when a faced by a certain determination a leader in a group will emerge without being appointed. Leadership is so called upon to be based on moralss. The ground for this is that leading in today s universe is under changeless examination, everyone is watching the actions of the leader they make remarks and base on balls judgement. The leading place is no longer a august place, it is one idea respected is non exempted from the society s examination. A good leader is one who involves those he leads in the every determination devising and activities of this group. The leading function should besides promote the followings to a higher and better place. Leadership is meant improve the persons, a leader that leads those he leads into devastation or ruin is non an ethical leader. Ethically there are recognized behavioural facets that are expected of a leader, the leader is non supposed to mistreat the powers bestowed to him. They should non bewray the trust and trueness empowered to them by others, they are supposed to be consistent, should non stash privileges and more so they should accept duty. These are the ethical facets of leading expected by the society. Personal Leadership Competence Leadership theories have been in usage to assist depict leading. The transformational leading theory is based upon the ethical attack, where both the leader and followings are engaged in a combined attempt to raise each other. Transformational leaders raise the criterions by being good illustrations to their followings. The procedure or transactional leader whose concern the creative activity of constructions that he expects the followings to adhere to, of they do he honor them. The transformational leader promotes societal values and encourages his followings. Leadership development is non merely restricted to troughs and leaders but can be utile to employees who are seeking to foster their accomplishments in leading. In order for one to efficaciously develop their leading accomplishments, they need to develop a program. This is guided by leading competency accomplishments. The first measure to accomplishing a personal leading program is the designation of ends. In order for me to accomplish a healthcare leading competency in the twenty-first century, the first measure is to finish the maestro plan in wellness information sciences. This preparation is meant to give me accomplishments in the information sector that are necessary in the field of wellness. The usage and application of computing machines, information engineering in the health care sector necessitates the acquisition of wellness information sciences. This will be acquired in the procedure of preparation and work experience as a nurse. Then I must entree proficiency. The following measure in my leading development program is the designation of larning experiences. As a nurse I need to develop a acquisition contract with my immediate supervisor. This measure is necessary as it gives me hands on experience and larning chances in the work environment. The supervisor is at that place to give counsel, work experiences and a usher in the acquisition procedure in the work topographic point. This interaction besides assists one in the geting of leading accomplishments particularly when a supervisor assigns one an assignment. In the acquisition procedure I should acquire a wise man in the field of nursing. This wise man is an authorization in the country in which I am interested in. the intents of wise mans are to help the scholar in the acquisition procedure, they are both friends and leaders to the leaner. A wise man should be able to help the scholar in their pursuit for cognition, give those resources, and practical experience every bit good as the exposure they require. During this learning procedure, to get the necessary leading accomplishments, as a possible nursing manager, I should prosecute in some cross preparation plan. The intent of which is to get theoretical cognition in the field of involvement. Programs such as these may affect workshops, or seminars organized in the work topographic point. Volunteering for responsibility is one other certain manner of accruing leading accomplishments. Catching the chance to make full in the place of a supervisor or staff that is off will expose one to the day-to-day duties. It is during these cases that one is good cognizant of their qualities as a leader, their defects and strengths because this chances offer one the opportunity to exert their cognition. Filling in the place of a senior nurse even for one twenty-four hours is a fulfilling exercising ; it even exposes one to the direction. An of import acquisition pattern is that of fall ining outside professional organisations. Either as a trainee, a portion clip worker or a voluntary the intent once more is larning, acquiring a feel of the leading skill outside your workplace, deriving penetrations into how other organisations work. While larning can be obtained within the organisations workshops and preparation plans, but it is besides good to obtain enfranchisements from other establishments of larning in the medical field. Short classs offered add value to an person every bit good as preparation in the relevant field. With today s of all time altering market, establishments of higher acquisition are developing short classs to developing professionals. A nurse can happen these classs useful if they intend to foster their calling. These classs are besides flexible in footings of clip, eventide, weekends vacations or even on-line and correspondence. It is of import to seek out on-line ego trial plans ; these are meant to supply an person with an chance to self evaluate themselves. Apart from these on-line plans, there are books and tapes available on the self trial. Upon completion of the acquisition experiences it is necessary to hold a developmental program. This program should detail the continuance of clip, specific aims and ends to be achieved. The developmental program should imply the acquisition experiences. The wise man, the short courses one intends to go to. Organizations that one is go toing should integrate self test, this show besides province the consequences of the trial. The strengths and failings of the person, s a nurse the developmental program should hold the short and long term ends. The program of finishing wellness information sciences class, the stairss intended to accomplish accomplishments in order to be a nurse manager. Strategic planning should be involved in the developmental planning phase ; this involves the vision statement of the individual. The vision here is to a nurse manager ; fundamentally the vision is based on the long term ends. Strategic planning besides consists of the mission, a personal mission inside informations the specific aims and how they plan to accomplish them. By finishing a class in information sciences wellness and developing programs to accomplish leading preparation I am good on the manner of going a nurse manager. After planning, it is of import to finish the acquisition experiences. These experiences were set in the clip frame of the development program. As one attains the acquisition experiences it is of import to measure the advancement. Appraisal can be carried out during the experience or on completion of the experience. Continual appraisal is advised since one can set cheques in topographic point as they undergo the acquisition procedure. Continuous appraisal is supposed to help in doing certain that the ends are being fulfilled. It is during this appraisal periods that one can integrate short term ends in the maestro program. The short term ends are like cheque shapers in a program, holding achieved a certain short term end one is so able to travel to the following acquisition activity. Plans besides change during these uninterrupted appraisals, this is in a instance where it is found that the program was non accomplishing the long term aim. Apart from uninterrupted appraisals one can t ransport out an appraisal at the terminal of the exercising. This is at the terminal of the plan, this is meant to measure the success of the plan, and whether on vitamin E was able to accomplish the ends set out. If this was non done so one goes back to the first measure and place new ends. The appraisal should clearly give a usher where a measure went incorrect. In drumhead a leader is the decisive factor in the organisation and society at big. Leadership should be based on 1s abilities and qualities instead than accomplishments. One is born with these built-in qualities and of course leads others ; these qualities are such as honestness, bravery, assurance, finding and wisdom among others. A leader should be really different from a director, while a leader is born with the qualities a trough is created from accomplishments he acquires. The leader can go a trough while a trough is non needfully a leader. The leader is seen as a individual in charge they are consulted for they ability to do determinations and steer the class of events. While this may be true the leader is besides a retainer, a good leader s intent is to function those who he has been bestowed upon the duty of steering. The development of an person to a leader should be based on self motive. By achieving leading accomplishments one should be able to efficaciously mange and his equals. Personal leading accomplishments are meant for ego betterment, they assist one in the workplace and his calling aims. Work cited Cromwell, S. and Kolb, J, An scrutiny of work-environment support factors impacting transportation of supervisory accomplishments developing to the work topographic point. Human Resource Development Quarterly,2004 Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 449-71. Carter, N. Leadership Development Planning. Retrieved 1st May 2010, hypertext transfer protocol: // Baldwin, T. and Ford, K. ( 1988 ) , Transfer Of Training: A Review And Directions For Future Research.Personnel Psychology, Spring, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p63-105 Brinkmann, T. How to Make a Personal Leadership Development Plan. 2007 Retrieved May 1, 2010, fromhttp: // ? How- to- Create- a- Personal- Leadership- Development- Plan A ; id=803557 Kendra, C.Leadership Theories 8 Major LeadershipTheories retrieved 1st May 2010, hypertext transfer protocol: // NSS. Scotland. Delivery Through Leadership: Leadership Development Plan. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh 2005 Stephen, R. , Bruce, M. and Terry, W.M. , Organizational Behavior. Published by Prentice Hall, 4th erectile dysfunction.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Stegoceras - Facts and Figures

Stegoceras - Facts and Figures Name: Stegoceras (Greek for roof horn); pronounced STEG-oh-SEH-rass Habitat: Forests of western North America Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (75 million years ago) Size and Weight: Up to six feet long and 100 pounds Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Light build; bipedal posture; extremely thick skull in males About Stegoceras Stegoceras was the prime example of a pachycephalosaur (thick-headed lizard)a family of ornithischian, plant-eating, two-legged dinosaurs of the late Cretaceous period, characterized by their extremely thick skulls. This otherwise sleekly built herbivore had a noticeable dome on its head made of almost-solid bone; paleontologists speculate that Stegoceras males held their heads and necks parallel to the ground, build up a head of speed, and rammed each other on the noggins as hard as they could. (They may also, secondarily, have used their heads to butt away the flanks of encroaching tyrannosaurs, though we have no objective proof of this behavior.) The sensible question is: What was the point of this Three Stooges routine? Extrapolating from the behavior of present-day animals, its likely that Stegoceras males head-butted each other for the right to mate with females. This theory is supported by the fact that researchers have discovered two distinct varieties of Stegoceras skulls, one of which is thicker than the other and presumably belonged to the males of the species. (However, some paleontologists dispute this theory, noting that such high-speed collisions would tend to be disadvantageous from an evolutionary perspectivefor example, a dizzy, concussed Stegoceras could easily be picked off by a hungry raptor!) The type specimen of Stegoceras was named by the famous Canadian paleontologist Lawrence Lambe in 1902, following its discovery in the Dinosaur Provincial Park formation of Alberta, Canada. For a few decades, this unusual dinosaur was believed to be a close relative of Troodon (which was actually a saurischian rather than an ornithischian dinosaur, and thus resided on an entirely different branch of the dinosaur family tree), until the discovery of further pachycephalosaur genera made its provenance clear. For better or for worse, Stegoceras is the standard by which all subsequent pachycephalosaurs have been judgedwhich is not necessarily a good thing, considering how much confusion still exists about the behavior and growth stages of these dinosaurs. For example, the presumed pachycephalosaurs Dracorex and Stygimoloch may have been either juvenile, or unusually aged adults, of the well-known genus Pachycephalosaurus and at least two fossil specimens that were initially assigned to Stegoceras have since been promoted to their own genera, Colepiocephale (Greek for knucklehead) and Hanssuesia (named after the Austrian scientist Hans Suess).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Irregular Plurals Spelling Tricks You Need to Know

Irregular Plurals Spelling Tricks You Need to Know Irregular Plurals: Spelling Tricks You Need to Know Why, English? Why do you do this to us? Whenever we think we’ve figured out the rules, it turns out you have a bunch of counterexamples tucked away somewhere in the dictionary. Possibly the most famous way the English language likes to keep us guessing is with irregular plural nouns. These are words that don’t follow the usual spelling convention of adding an â€Å"-s† to make a plural (for instance, â€Å"one dog† becomes â€Å"many dogs†). Words that end in a â€Å"-y† are one example, but there are plenty of others. Luckily, we have some guidelines for spelling different kinds of irregular plural. It all depends on how the word ends†¦ Words Ending â€Å"-f† or â€Å"-fe† When a word ends in an â€Å"s include: Singular Plural Half Halves Life Lives Scarf Scarves This does not apply when a word ends in a â€Å"-ff,† so â€Å"sheriff† becomes â€Å"sheriffs† (not â€Å"sherives†). Other exceptions include chiefs† and â€Å"beliefs.† Words Ending â€Å"-us† Often originating in Latin, words that end in â€Å"-us† typically take an â€Å"-i† in plural form, such as when â€Å"cactus† becomes â€Å"cacti†: Singular Plural Abacus Abaci Nucleus Nuclei Hippopotamus Hippopotami Again, there are exceptions to this rule, notably â€Å"virus† (which becomes â€Å"viruses†) and â€Å"octopus† (for which â€Å"octopuses† – not â€Å"octopi† – is the standard plural). Likewise, hippopotamuses and abacuses are now also commonly accepted as correct variations of the older Latin spellings. Word Ending â€Å"-on† or â€Å"-um† Other Latin-derived word endings to look out for include â€Å"-on† and â€Å"-um,† both of which take an â€Å"-a† when forming a plural (so â€Å"criterion† becomes â€Å"criteria† and â€Å"stadium† becomes â€Å"stadia†). Additional examples include: Singular Plural Phenomenon Phenomena Millennium Millennia Automaton Automata Bacterium Bacteria Words Ending â€Å"-is† or â€Å"-ix† Words with Latin or Greek origins and â€Å"-is,† â€Å"-ex† or â€Å"-ix† endings tend to change to â€Å"-es† or â€Å"-ices† in their plural forms, so â€Å"analysis† becomes â€Å"analyses† and â€Å"appendix† becomes â€Å"appendices†: Singular Plural Crisis Crises Dominatrix Dominatrices Axis Axes Vortex Vortices Words that Change Vowel Sounds To make matters even more confusing, some words change their vowel sound completely when forming a plural, like how â€Å"foot† becomes â€Å"feet†. See also: Singular Plural Woman Women Tooth Teeth Mouse Mice Words that Stay the Same Some irregular plurals actually stay the same as the singular form of the word. Examples include â€Å"squid,† â€Å"sheep,† â€Å"fish,† and â€Å"species.† For instance, both â€Å"a fish† (singular) and â€Å"a shoal of fish† (plural) are correct. It’s also worth noting that uncountable nouns, like â€Å"water† or â€Å"sand,† stay the same regardless of the amount being described.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tax Havens and Canadian Taxation Research Paper

Tax Havens and Canadian Taxation - Research Paper Example Countries with this kind of policies do so aiming to attract more foreign investors so as to boost their economy. Such nations are usually small nations with limited natural and industrial resources (Anderson, 2014). Without this regime that attracts foreign investors who come to boost their economy, the existence of such nations would be threatened. These offshore jurisdictions have attracted many foreign investors in recent years who most of them are usually persons fleeing their country’s taxation systems so as to establish their investments in more favorable environments. Most countries do allow their citizens to invest in tax havens. In Canada, depositing funds in a foreign tax haven is allowed by the law. A Report on any income related to such accounts is the only requirement the government asks from these investors (Hale, 2012). Tax havens are mainly found in small countries and especially islands. As stated earlier the main feature of tax havens is a favorable tax policy and investment environment for foreign investors operations. However, there are other features that could help one identify tax havens. Bank secrecy is a serious and strict rule. Data and Information about account holders is only given to respective authorities only in cases of available evidence of major crimes like drug trafficking or terrorism Andorra, Bahamas, Bermuda, Hong Kong, the British Virgin Islands, Monaco, the Channel Islands, Belize, the Isle of Man, Lichtenstein, the Cayman Islands Panama, the Cook Islands, Switzerland, Mauritius, and St. Kitts and Nevis (Anderson, 2014). Pressure from foreign nations that feel the need and demand to collect all tax revenue they believe is entitled to them has forced tax havens to sign treaties that allow tax data exchange. They have also had to sign agreements that allow for the providence of investors

Nike Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Nike - Research Paper Example In this paper, some of the main matters have been questioned and thrown into the open as to how the company has faced accusations from different sections of society and the world, and what led to it. Since the mid 90s, Nike has been accused of being a violator of women’s’ rights, child labour, exploitation of labour in terms of wages, as well as forced labour. Many of these cases have been uncovered and let out of the bag, thus making the company lose a great deal of its goodwill. This brand has been known to violate a number of Articles present in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well. These are a certain set of rights that are universally applicable to all human beings, not taking into account anything about their race, colour, gender or age. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it has been set out and stated in Article 1 that â€Å"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.† Article 3 and 4 state, â€Å"Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person†andâ€Å"No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.† Article 5 says â€Å"No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishment and treatment.† All these Articles and more have been laid down with a view to respect human beings all over the world, however, Nike has been found to be violating them in many ways, in its run d own factories in the third world countries. A better look has been taken during the course of this report, into how the company has been violating these Articles of the Declaration of Human Rights. The main concerns for the company have been coming in from their factories which are located in South Asia. Here, in places like Vietnam, China, Indonesia etc, there are people who have been contracted by Nike, and work under their name. They mass produce the sports equipment as well as sports apparel, but their

Friday, October 18, 2019

Oldcross Borough Council Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Oldcross Borough Council - Assignment Example In other words, we can say that public sector procurement is advantageous. The public sector is always in a better position if we compare the investment projects of the economy of any country. The reason may be the presence of Government at the back of the project to fully support it (Tosics & Gaal 2007). The specialists or experts can be hired from different fields to make this project fully working. The idea of the cultural centre is unique and the experts will definitely make it real with their efforts. We only need truly devoted people for this project of building cultural centre. After completion, this cultural centre will stand as an example for other community councils because of its unique idea of placing different things under one roof. These kinds of public projects are also facing competition regarding their procurement decisions (Econ 2004). The public sector is always a source of revenue for the investors (Macfarlane, Cook & Collins 2008). The concept of Value for Money can be described as the best possible permutation of cost and quality to meet the customer’s requirements. Usually the public sector projects are easy to keep under estimated cost because of certain policies and procedures. For such public projects we can easily maintain the blend of finest quality and manageable cost keeping our estimated budget under control. This cultural centre will be constructed on a land which is owned by the Oldcross Borough Council just near to it. This piece of land is a neglected portion and now the management at Community Department is planning to utilize it for the welfare of the citizens. This cultural centre will be a worth visiting place for all the individual of any age i.e. teenagers, juniors and adults. The cultural centre will not only lend books but also cassettes, CDs, DVDs, large collection of computer software, and even books in soft copy also. There will be a library shop in the

Small business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Small business - Assignment Example Did you use a survey/questionnaire? If so, you may like to attach a copy of your survey/questionnaire to the back of this plan.] 11 Market targets[Outline your planned sales targets. What quantity of your products/services do you plan to sell in a planned timeframe? Are they monthly or yearly targets?] 11 Environmental/industry analysis[Detail the results of the market research you have performed. Is the area experiencing population growth? Are there long-term employers in the area? Is the region's economy stable? Are there seasonal variations? 11 Your customers 11 S.W.O.T. analysis[List each of your businesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats in the table below and then outline how you plan to address each of the weaknesses/threats.] 11 Your competitors[How do you rate against your competitors? How can your business improve on what they offer?] 11 Advertising & sales 12 Vision statement[What is your business' vision statement? It should briefly outline your future pla n for the business and include your overall goals.] 13 Mission statement[What is your business' mission statement? I.e. how will you achieve your vision?] 13 Goals/objectives[What are your short & long term goals? What activities will you undertake to meet them?] 13 Action plan 13 Key objectives & financial review 13 Supporting documentation 13 Business Plan Summary The Business Business name: [Amdrros Restaurant Ltd.] Business structure: [company.] ABN: [xxxx.] ACN: [xxxx] Business location: [Canberra] Date established: [2 February 2013] Business owner(s): [Roz, Joan, Job, Maxwell, Michelle, Joseph, Bob, Joel] Relevant owner experience: [2 Years experience in Food and beverage industry] Products/services: [Fast foods and beverages such as coffee and soft drinks. The anticipated demand in 5 years to reach sales of $500,000 in 3 years] The Market Target market: The target market consists of tourists, working class and students. These customers would want to buy from use because we pr ovide a unique combination of well-priced Fast food, with an amusing ambiance Marketing strategy: We shall rely on variety of marketing programs to promote our business. These include word of mouth/in-Store Marketing, table tents, wall posters, and V.I.P. party, in-store tour given to every new customer, grand opening celebration, outdoor marquee message changed weekly, and annual birthday parties. In addition, we shall have the local store marketing, which will include local charity, car wash site, school programs such as perfect attendance and honor roll, and free T-shirts to guests that line dance with us. The local media will also be a very important marketing channel. This includes direct mail piece, containing interior pictures of our restaurant, our prices and an explanation of our concept. The other aspect is radio campaign, which will be complete with live remotes on our parking lot. We shall also pick the three top local stations with which to place our short and catchy ad s, in addition

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Free Will Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Free Will - Essay Example He argues that though indeterminism and freewill are incompatible, human being’s ‘self-forming’ or libertarian actions are essentially the result of freewill. Therefore, they are morally responsible for their actions. Unlike Kane, Derek Pereboom argues that both determinism and libertarianism are incompatible with freewill. Indeed, he remains agnostic about the truth of determinism. But he argues that whether determinism is true or not, freewill is incompatible with it. So, human being should learn to live without freewill. Yet the incompatibility of freewill with determinism does not imply that man is free from moral responsibility. Since, according to him, an agent’s action is either the result of causal determinism (self-forming action) or the manipulation of some external power, in both cases, the agent will remain responsible for his action. It is because though freewill does not exist, man’s action (even though the agent is tricked, by some ext ernal power to perform that action) will seem to be caused by his freewill. In fact, Kane has an impulsive tendency to argue against â€Å"compatibilism† on the ground that man will never be able to learn whether his ‘will’ is determined by some other power or not. Therefore, the question about the compatibility of Freewill and determinism is absurd. Referring to Frazier’s perception of Skinner’s â€Å"Walden Two†, he says that â€Å"the deeper freedom of the will is an illusion in the first place. We do not have it anyway† (Kane 427). This assertion has two meanings simultaneously: first, it can be assumed that he attempts to says that man does not freewill, since it is an illusion. Secondly, it can be assumed that since the concept of freewill is an illusion, man is free to act according to what he calls his will. Kane calls this freedom of man to act on his own at some particular moment as ‘libertarianism’. Indeed, he believes in the agent’s mundane power


THE COLLAPSE OF THE HALIFAX BANK OF SCOTLAND, AND THE SUBSEQUENT RESPONSE OF THE UK AUTHORITIES - Essay Example HBOS formation took place in the year 2001 as a causal resulting from the merger of both Halifax and the Bank of Scotland. The former’s position towards mortgages and the latter’s bravery in corporate lending that was to create a balanced Big Five Bank. In the year 2001, it had a total assets summing to 275 billion pounds, much bigger than that of its ultimate rescuer Lloyds and approximately three-quarters as big as Barclays and the Royal Bank of Scotland (O’sullivan & Kinsella 2013, p. 9). This report will highlight the four areas in which this new banking force sowed its destruction seeds. These four areas include aggressive expansion; deluded management; failure of internal controls; and reluctance to heed to the warnings of the FSA, and even allowing the shortcomings of the regulator. The key to the growth of HBOS, as per the findings of the commission, was in accepting of more risks across all the division of the group. The strategy was to ensure a new cultures in the higher echelon of the banking system. This culture was brash and underpinned by the belief that the growing market shares were as a result of a special skills category possessed by the HBOS and lacking to the competitors. The culture effects became even more corrosive when joined with the absence of corporate self–knowledge within the organization top as time elapsed. Tellingly, in October 2007, as the alarm bells rung in banks all over the world, Cumming, the head of HBOS debt-fuelled corporate wing, remarked that people appeared to lose their nerves. They were panicking even to the days testing property environment (Veron 2010, p. 113). Cumming’s corporate division ended up with an impairment of 25 billion pounds, an equivalent to the 20pc of its loan book in 2008, and away out of balance with rival banks. But while the corporate book holes hastened, the rescue by the taxpayers and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Free Will Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Free Will - Essay Example He argues that though indeterminism and freewill are incompatible, human being’s ‘self-forming’ or libertarian actions are essentially the result of freewill. Therefore, they are morally responsible for their actions. Unlike Kane, Derek Pereboom argues that both determinism and libertarianism are incompatible with freewill. Indeed, he remains agnostic about the truth of determinism. But he argues that whether determinism is true or not, freewill is incompatible with it. So, human being should learn to live without freewill. Yet the incompatibility of freewill with determinism does not imply that man is free from moral responsibility. Since, according to him, an agent’s action is either the result of causal determinism (self-forming action) or the manipulation of some external power, in both cases, the agent will remain responsible for his action. It is because though freewill does not exist, man’s action (even though the agent is tricked, by some ext ernal power to perform that action) will seem to be caused by his freewill. In fact, Kane has an impulsive tendency to argue against â€Å"compatibilism† on the ground that man will never be able to learn whether his ‘will’ is determined by some other power or not. Therefore, the question about the compatibility of Freewill and determinism is absurd. Referring to Frazier’s perception of Skinner’s â€Å"Walden Two†, he says that â€Å"the deeper freedom of the will is an illusion in the first place. We do not have it anyway† (Kane 427). This assertion has two meanings simultaneously: first, it can be assumed that he attempts to says that man does not freewill, since it is an illusion. Secondly, it can be assumed that since the concept of freewill is an illusion, man is free to act according to what he calls his will. Kane calls this freedom of man to act on his own at some particular moment as ‘libertarianism’. Indeed, he believes in the agent’s mundane power

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research Methods for Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research Methods for Criminology - Essay Example Series of measurements are taken to make sure that the experiment is able to measure different sets of conditions under which the person or the instrument has to work. Now the question arises how to make sure that the series of measurements are not only reliable but valid as well. Or can we make use of a measurement which happens to be reliable but low on reliability or vice-versa. This study cannot be an area specific but it cannot be generalized for all experiments as well. There might be some areas where we can use such measurements, but there might be areas where we need to be doubly sure that the measurement is both reliable as well valid. It is worthwhile here to mention that while validity can be tested and can be termed as an objective parameter, it is difficult to do exact calculation for reliability as it is subjective in nature. Reliability is therefore estimated in order to come to the nearest perfection point. Four general classes of reliability are1; While there's no doubt that a measurement with high validity and high reliability is the most sought after type of measurement, a measurement with low validity and low reliability is never used for making any calculations. Measurements low on validity and high on reliability imply that we are consistently measuring wrong values, which in a way defeats the very purpose of carrying out the research. In such cases we continue to get incorrect information quite consistently. Therefore, we seldom use such measurements. Quite often it so happens that the repeated measurements fail to show consistent patterns, but for a group of parameters, the measurements hold good. In this case, though on an average we do get the valid results, the consistency is not there. In such cases, the measurements can be useful depending upon the criticality of the usage. For example, if we are to make use of these measurements for the operation of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Benefits of IFRS Essay Example for Free

Benefits of IFRS Essay IFRS will enable US bank to compete globally; more than one hundred countries in the world are already using IFRS. This is because more than sixty percent of investors in US operate foreign stocks with foreign banks and other companies which use IFRS. Therefore, if US bank fail to switch to IFRS, transparency and comparability will reduce for US issuers and investors (Silver, 2009). Furthermore, US exchanges such as the NYSE have been gradually losing their position as the place where worldwide companies list their shares. This being the case, the US bank has been affected since foreign investors now prefer investing their wealth in other banks where the accounting standards are not as strict is in the US. To avoid losing investment opportunities and lagging behind the current developments in the field of accounting, US bank does have to switch to IFRS. Comparing the annual report of Rabobank with that of Wells Fargo bank shows how IFRS reduces financial reporting into smaller and less complicated documents. The 2009 annual report of Rabobank were complied in a 61 (Rabobank, 2010) pages document while that of Wells Fargo were documented in 196 pages (Wells Fargo, 2010). This implies that IFRS summarizes financial reporting more than thrice of the GAAP accounting standards. It is also evident from the annual reports of the two banks that IFRS provides more comprehensive historical information regarding the performance of the bank over the past five years(the case of Rabobank) while GAAP only gives the present and previous year’s figures. This makes IFRS more effective since the stakeholders, management and investors can be able to track the financial position of the bank at a glance so that which is very important for future palming (IASCF, 2009). Adopting IFRS will make reporting for most banks in US easier since it will reduce the complexities of comparing financial statements from different subsidiaries across the globe. It will also facilitate internal consistency and streamline all operations, auditing, reporting standards, training and company standards (Articles Base, 2009). For instance, Rabobank applies IFRS on its financial reporting. This has greatly improved the efficiency of the bank since it operates in more than forty countries around the world. Following the bank’s annual reports since 2004, the total net profit calculated using IFRS was higher by 15 million Euros as compared to the same when calculated with GAAP (Rabobank Nederland, 2005). This difference was majorly due to the benefits of reclassifications of interest income under IFRS. This is because under the IFRS accounting standards, several interests are no longer consolidated and this results to lesser third-party interests (Rabobank Nederland, 2005) Disincentives of adopting IFRS IFRS accounting standards are less detailed as compared to GAAP; GAAP is more complex and based on rules while IFRS is based on principles. Adoption of IFRS will reduce the quality of financial reporting because most of the rules applied for GAAP have been let-out in IFRS—while IFRS principles fit in a single two-inch thick book, GAAP standards fit in a nine-inch thick book—this indicates that the details and reporting requirements of IFRS are fewer and compressed (IASCF, 2009). Adoption of IFRS implies that banks will incur additional costs: training staff on IFRS standards and also initial conversion costs which will be paid to advisors and auditors (Articles Base, 2009). Considering the format of the annual reports of the two banks, it is evident that IFRS eliminates many items from the annual report and presents only the consolidated financial position of the bank. Information eliminated from Rabobank’s 2009 financial reports include the vision, mission and goals of the organization, financial reviews, the report from independent registered public accounting firm and reports on stock performances; however this information is provided in Wells Fargo 2009 annual report.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The alliterative poems Pearl and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight unite traditional Celtic mythology with Christian orthodoxy to produce a distinctly :: Essays Papers

The alliterative poems Pearl and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight unite traditional Celtic mythology with Christian orthodoxy to produce a distinctly British Christianity The Catholic church in fourteenth century England was undergoing a convulsion. The church was unable to explain why God inflicted the Black Plague on the citizenry, or to conjure up his mercy and end the suffering and death. The Babylonian Captivity saw the papacy in Avignon, under the influence if not the direct control of the hated French. Even when Rome once again became the seat of the Holy See, the Great Western Schism divided the loyalties of Christians between the two rival popes -- who excommunicated each other and all the other's followers. Corruption among the hierarchy of priests and bishops seemed epidemic. As ever, "The obvious alternative, for anyone wishing to withdraw from the ideological and bureaucratic complexities of the Christian empire, was to return to the simplicity of the Church's founder," (Saul 544). We still see this today, in evangelical and fundamentalist Christian sects. Lollardy was one reaction to the church's apparent loss of direction. John Wyclif and his followers disavowed the authority of the papacy, the truth of the sacraments, and the dogma and doctrines of the Catholics church. The alliterative poems Pearl and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight also turn away from the orthodoxy of the Catholic church. By the subtle yet simple technique of excluding Catholic doctrines, and by adapting the mythical British past into the Christian present, these poems illustrate the development of a specifically British Christianity. While the poems may seem to approve of Lollardy, we would be in error in believing that. Rather, these heretical views all flow from a common wellspring in the English character that would later lead to Protestantism and the establishment of the Church of England. Veneration of the Virgin Mary was to be scornfully dubbed "Mariolotry" by Protestants, but was at the time (and remains) a central doctrine of Catholicism. Teachings of the church "formed so vital a part of literary backgrounds" (Ackerman 81) that someone unfamiliar with Catholicism would fail to understand the literature of the period. Both Pearl and Gawain treat as normal veneration of the Virgin Mary. This is, however, the only piece of Catholic orthodoxy these poems contain; all the other Christian symbols and allusions are taken directly from the Bible, not the church. Gawain does mention in passing St. Julian (774) and St.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Economics :: essays research papers

Coca - Cola On the 14th of June Coca-Cola’s soft drinks were banned from the markets in Belgium and later also in Luxemburg and France. Two failures in the bottling system were the cause for the nausea that the people suffered. According to the article it would have been better if they would have acted fast and told the whole truth. Coca- Cola is in an ologopolistic market and therefore branding plays a great role. It is possible that the company ha lost market shares, due to this accident. In the ologopolistic market the firms don’t compete with price, but rather with advertising and other non-price strategies. Therefore one can predict that this scandal has shifted the demand curve to the left. This accident can be seen as a negative externality. The government should make Coca Cola increase their health controls (internalise their externalities), if scandals of this sort happen again. They can enforce this by either subsidies (reward) of in this case taxation (punishment). People who would usually only buy Coca Cola due to the heavy advertising might try a substitute during the time of the ban. This can be seen as a sort of free promotion for the others in the market. According to the zero sum game, the lose that Coca Cola is making right now is directly proportional to the profits the other firms are making in the respected market. Coca Cola will need to take further actions to restore their brand name that they have established throughout all these years. This will significantly influences their total added costs. A strong brand has very few goods substitutes and it is very difficult for competitors to challenge the supremacy of the brand. This health scandal might have opened the doors fro new competitors. In the long run this can lead to Coca Cola’s costs for advertising to increase or furthermore they could lose control of the market and fall into a disequilibrium. The accelerator theory suggests that the level of planned investments varies with t he rate of change of income or output rather than with the rate of interest. It will be hard for the big American company to fulfil their expectations of expansion in Europe with no investors being pleased with their progress. Best Foot forward at Reebok On October 18th Reebok published a 41 page report on how it is dealing with its workers in Indonesia.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Accounting and Finance For Business Essay

While these tutorial tasks MUST be submitted individually, you are encourage to work through these tasks together with the other members of your team, both during this week’s tutorial and in your own time. This is a good opportunity to ensure that all members of your group can calculate a breakeven point before and after-tax, a margin of safety and make a managerial decision regarding the addition of a new product (in this tutorial exercise, the addition of a new route). All answers must be inserted into the on-line form provided in LMS titled, â€Å"Topic 9 Tutorial Exercises†. Kangaroo Airlines Kangaroo Airlines in small local carrier located in the Kimberly region of Western Australia. All seats are economy class and the following data is available: 1.What is the break-even point in number of passengers per month? 30000 2.What is the break-even point in sales revenue dollars per month? 2100000 3.What is the break-even point in number of flights per month (round up)? 334 4.If Kangaroo Airline currently has on average 40,000 passengers per month what is Kangaroo Airline’s margin of safety in number of passengers? 5.If Kangaroo Airlines raises its average full passenger fare to $85 and the  average variable costs per passenger will remain at $30, it is estimated that the load factor will decrease to 60 percent. What will be the break-even point in number of flights (round up)? 6.The cost of aviation fuel is a significant variable cost to any airline. If fuel charges increase by $8 per barrel, it is estimated that variable cost per passenger will increase to $40 however that average full passenger fare will remain at the original $70 per passenger as will the original load factor of 75 percent. What will be the new break-even point in number of passengers? 7.The cost of aviation fuel is a significant variable cost to any airline. If fuel charges increase by $8 per barrel, it is estimated that variable cost per passenger will increase to $40 however the average full passenger fare will remain at the original $70 per passenger as will the original load factor of 75%. What will be the new break-even point in number of passengers? What will be the new break-even point in number of flights (round up)? 8.Kangaroo Airlines has experienced an increase in average variable cost per passenger to $35 and an increase in fixed costs to $1,500,000. Kangaroo Airlines has decided to increase the average full passenger fare to $80. How many of passengers are needed to generate an after-tax profit of $400,000, if the company tax rate is 30 percent (round up)?

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Quality Indicators Relevant to Early Childhood Education

There are various significant practices which promote health and safety in early childhood centres to take in to account. This essay focuses on nutrition across the early years, providing a safe environment and identifying and responding to childhood illness and how teachers can encourage and promote these practices to the children. Auckland Regional Public Health Service (2008) states that during early childhood, children form lifelong eating habits, therefore it is important to have a focus on nutrition across the early years in order to foster a healthy eating culture and enable children to develop healthy behaviours in relation to food.A teacher has an important role in helping children develop these behaviours and can promote healthy eating and healthy food choices in a number of ways. Teachers can promote good nutrition by including children in the cooking process or growing fruits and vegetables within the centre environment. These experiences provide ample opportunities for t he discussion of nutrition and what is healthy and unhealthy. The Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres (Ministry of Education [MoE], 2008) asserts that children must be served food at appropriate times and that it is to meet the nutritional needs of each child.It explains that all food provided during the hours a service is open must be recorded. These records must show the type of food provided and be kept for three months after the serving date. Promoting food safety to the children is also an important aspect of nutrition, this includes role modelling the careful storage of food, hygienic preparation and use of tongs when serving food. Providing a safe environment gives children a better place to play and allows them the freedom to explore their environment without the risk of injury.MoE (2008) declares that ample and changeable indoor and outdoor equipment, resources and furniture must be provided for the children and that it also needs to be appropr iate for the varying abilities of the children using it. Teachers are able to promote a safe environment by encouraging children to play safely. This includes sharing, gentle hands, walking feet, sun safety and water safety. The MoE (2008) is aware an area cannot be completely hazard free so requires a â€Å"hazard identification and management system† and uggests that all realistic steps are taken to minimise risks, be this by redirecting the children or limiting their access to areas where hazards may be. Another important way teachers can promote a safe environment is through active supervision and setting up engaging and appropriate activities for the children to be involved with. One of the most significant practices in promoting health, wellbeing and a safe environment is being able to identify and respond to childhood illness. Teachers need to be able to recognise the signs and symptoms of illness and be able to administer the appropriate first aid.The MoE (2008) decla res that children who become poorly while at a service must be kept at a safe distance away from the other children in order to reduce the risk of contamination and the spread of illness. It is the teachers’ responsibility that this happens to protect not only the children but the teachers and whanau too. Healthy Messages (Ministry of Education, 1997) suggests that early childhood centres develop and change policies so that they promote a safe and healthy environment and that these policies are a good way to introduce children to healthy messages.For example, how to avoid the spread of infectious illness through personal hygiene procedures, washing of soiled children procedures and hygienic laundering and cleaning procedures. As discussed above, encouraging healthy eating and good nutrition, providing a safe environment and recognising and responding to childhood illnesses are all important practices to foster. Teachers have an important role in promoting these practices and by effectively performing them, they will be promoting good health and safety in an early childhood setting.Reference List: Auckland Regional Public Health Service. (2008). Food For Under 5's: A practical guide to food and nutrition for early childhood education services. Retrieved 17th August 2012, from http://www. arphs. govt. nz/Portals/0/Health%20Information/HealthyEnvironments/Early%20childhood%20education%20centres/ECEC%20Food%20for%20under%205s/Food%20for%20under%205s%202008/Food%20For%20Under%205's%20ECE%20resource%20Final%20Jun e%202008-1. pdf Ministry of Education. (2008).Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008 And Early Childhood Education Curriculum Framework. Wellington: New Zealand Government. Retrieved 17th August 2012, from http://www. lead. ece. govt. nz/ServiceTypes/CentreBasedECEServices. aspx Ministry of Health. (1997). Nga kupu oranga: Healthy messages. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Republished on the web:  Ã‚   November 2003. Retrieved 25th August 2012, from http://www. arphs. govt. nz/Portals/0/Health%20Information/HealthyEnvironments/Early%20childhood%20education%20centres/Nga%20Kupu%20Oranga%20HealthyMessages. pdf

Effects of Alcohol and Nicotine Use

The Effects of Alcohol and Nicotine Use Tobacco and alcohol use are common addictions amongst Americans. Each of these products are easily accessible at any convenience store and are perceived to be pleasurable activities as a result of their prevalence in American society. Both drugs also have significantly adverse effects on an individual's health and overall well-being. However, tobacco and alcohol consumption are quite different in the nature of the addiction, and the risks each drug pose to one's health. Tobacco has been present even before the establishment of America.In 1492, Christopher Columbus was offered dried tobacco leaves from the Native Americans he encountered. By 1600, tobacco was used for its assumed healing qualities and was often used as currency. Not until 1826 was the pure form of nicotine finally discovered and labeled a dangerous poison. During the 1980's, many lawsuits were filed against tobacco companies because of the harmful effects of their products. Smok ing became politically incorrect and more businesses began to prohibit smoking on their premises.Despite this, cigarette consumption in America is still common. Today, Marlboro is considered one of the most valuable brands of any product in the world, valued at over 30 billion dollars. (NCSU Libraries) Although the supposed health benefits of tobacco have been promoted by both a variety of cultures and corporations alike, the physical effects of nicotine on the body are now indisputable. In as little as ten minutes after consumption, nicotine can raise blood pressure, heart rate, and constrict blood vessels,thus increasing the chance of heart attack and stroke.Habitual use has been linked to cancer of the lung, throat, mouth, esophagus, bladder, cervix, kidney, larynx, and stomach. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) Even casual use is accompanied by increased coughing, congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Aside from the havoc wrought internally from the frequent us e of tobacco, it also causes negative changes to one's physical appearance. These changes include, but are not limited to, tooth decay, gingivial recession, halitosis, stained fingers, and an unpleasant odor on one's person. University Health Center at the University of Georgia) According to the American Heart Association, in as little as one cigarette, a user may be addicted to nicotine. Nicotine addiction is recognized by the uncontrollable cravings to consume tobacco products. An addict may feel anxious about the next time they are able to use, and may be very irritable until their craving has been satisfied. As a user decreases their use of tobacco, they begin to withdrawal. Indications of withdrawal are different for each individual.A person will generally be cantankerous, and may suffer physical ailments, such as headaches, nausea, and cold like symptoms. Increased appetite, impaired work performance, and depression are additional symptoms linked to nicotine withdrawal. (Natio nal Library of Medicine) Alcohol has been a prevalent substance in human culture since 6400 B. C. According to Dr. William L. Smith, excavated clay jugs dating back to neolithic periods suggest the intentional fermentation of alcohol. Alcohol most likely originated in Middle Eastern regions, and was used primarily for its healing, antiseptic and religious purposes, often as a gift to the divine.Alcohol has always been a part of American culture, as it was first brought over by English settlers. One of the first laws regarding alcohol was passed in early seventeenth century Virginia. The law prohibited public drunkenness, as it was a threat to society. Though, the first alcohol related laws did not prohibit the substance itself. In 1920, National Prohibition took effect, consequently the 18th Amendment of the United States Constitution. However, in 1933, the 21st Amendment repealed the prohibition, legalizing the creation, sale, and consumption of alcohol. WWW2 Webserver) Laws in reg ards to alcohol had to be placed into effect in order to ensure the safety of America's people. Whether or not the alcohol use is routine, the array of symptoms that may be exhibited have the opportunity to be devastating to the user and to the public.In one night of drinking, the intoxicated individual has already put themselves at risk for alcohol poisoning, miscarriage, violence, and death. One of the least tolerated criminal offenses of today is driving while intoxicated (DWI), or driving under the influence (DUI), which is defined by a blood alcohol content level over . 8%. A few sips of an alcoholic beverage can debilitate the driver, causing them to careen in and out of lanes, run red lights, and other dangerous driving practices. Alcohol is also a common factor in regards to risky sexual behaviors. The impaired ability to make responsible decisions increases the chance of accidental pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Heavy alcohol use over the lifetime causes ann ihilating physical and psychiatric damage to the body. The user becomes at risk for a variety of health issues, including cirrhosis, dementia, liver disease, and stroke.Long term use also puts the individual at risk for mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon cancer. While the internal damage is taking place, the individual is slowly using their ability to function in society. The daily drunken stupor or hangover prohibits the person from excelling in the work place and in the classroom. Stomach pain, headache, and irritability are common symptoms that hinder the usefulness of the individual. If these characteristics persist, job loss and expulsion will occur. Aside from the regression of skills and potential successes, an alcoholic will induce detriment upon their family and friends. Center for Disease Control and Prevention) Alcoholism is, according to the University of Maryland Medical center, a â€Å"chronic, often progressive disease in which a person craves alcohol and dri nks despite repeated alcohol related problems, like losing a job or a relationship. † The disease is often accompanied by a significantly high tolerance to alcohol, drinking in order to feel â€Å"good† again. An addict may sneak or hide drinks, plan activities around drinking, or drink to escape life's hassles. Family and friends of the victim may notice personality changes, mood swings, and broken promises.The addict may feel troubled by how much they are consuming, and may be quick to defend themselves with confrontations regarding their drinking habits. When an alcoholic is unable to drink as much as need be, they suffer from physical withdrawal symptoms that inhibit them from feeling well. Nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety, are all common signs of alcohol withdrawal. Insomnia, hand tremors, and fatigue are additional symptoms that may be experienced. (University of Maryland Medical Center) Alcohol and tobacco products are commonly used in not only American s ociety, but in cultures around the globe.They have each continued to be advertised as enjoyable experiences, thus their social acceptability. Despite their prevalence and media allure, scientific evidence is irrefutable. Single and habitual use of nicotine and alcohol both affect the body in significantly negative ways. These substances are both linked to a variety of cancers, amongst other health issues. The forgo of these drugs results in mild to severe emotional discomfort. Typical behaviors include depression, irritability and apprehension. In addition, visible cues such as sweating and shakiness are common in withdrawal.Based upon scientific study, alcohol and tobacco use are practices not to be taken lightly. Their toxic effects on the human body are disregarded in American culture, however, it is imperative that every user understands each substance in its entirety. A nicotine addiction is quite different from an alcohol dependency, as nicotine seems to be primarily a physica lly unhealthy habit, and alcohol becomes a lifestyle. Nonetheless, each addiction is completely detrimental to one's health, and all risks should be considered before taking that first sip or smoke.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Peter pan and mary poppins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Peter pan and mary poppins - Essay Example They both also allow a chance for adults and children alike to be children again, and go back to that time when nothing mattered except having fun. However, the two stories also have their subtle differences as well. It is true both of them contain high amounts of fantasy and neither of them are set in the real world, and both of them take place to some extent in London, however there are several different running themes that could come into conflict with each other if one was to compare and contrast the two stories. Peter Pan, also known as the Boy Who Never Grew Up originally started as a play back in the early nineteen hundreds. It was then adapted into a book under the title of Peter Pan and Wendy. The story follows the fantasy tale of Peter Pan, a boy who never grew up who lives in never land with the Lost Boys. He is assisted in his mischievous ways by his trusty fairy Tinker bell. The fantasy elements in Peter Pan help keep the story light and full of imagination, which is why it is often filed as a children's tales; and to some degree it is. But beneath the surface is a message that is just as important, if not more important for everyone to understand. Hidden behind the pirates and flying fairies is the message of love and staying true to yourself and true to your youth, and that is a message that every person, child and adult, can listen to and take advice from. This wanting to never ... This seems to be a somewhat subtle way of the author saying that you can shirk growing up as long as you want to, but you also have to be able to accept the responsibilities that come with not growing up. The characters of Peter Pan and Wendy also form literary foils of each other within the work of the novels. Where Peter represents the light heartiness and joys of child hood, Wendy seems to take on a more motherly role, as she has felt the pain and suffering that Peter ignores and doesn't let get to him. These two characters almost play off each other, as Peter and Wendy begin to learn a little more about each other, as well as a little more about how each other looks at life. And while all of this is going on, the evil Captain Hook represents the worrying adult, the darker side of growing up, and the constant fear of time and the next step. Romantic themes also run rampant in the story, with the hormones of Peter struggling with the different female archetypes represented in the story by Wendy, Tinkerbelle, and Tiger Lily. Most of these elements have been severely played down or removed in the later adaptations of this work, however they are clearly and strongly present in the original version of the tale. This subtle tale of love also parallels the feelings of growing up, and how Peter is reluctant to settle down with any of the women in his life and instead ops for the looseness he gets by being Never lands most eligible bachelor. Another subtle theme is often thought to be only done to limit the size of the cast, but the characters of Wendy's father and Captain Hook are often played by the same man. While this may hold little value in the book version of the tale, the subtle connections between these two character's effects on the plot and

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Money Laundering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Money Laundering - Essay Example Money represents the lifeblood of a criminal or a terrorist organisation and it is for this reason that most countries and global institutions have an interest in detecting and preventing money laundering2. Researchers suggest that the estimated aggregate funds processed by money laundering activities from around the world range from US$ 590 billion to US$ 1.5 trillion3. However, approaches to regulation, implementation and enforcement of anti-money laundering legislation differ despite a consensus for global cooperation and affect the anti-money laundering efforts as nations try to balance regulation, cost of enforcement and rights4 . The major financial centres from around the world have presented a need for greatest vigilance and effort directed towards prevention and prosecution of those involved in money laundering because global flows of dirty money are either generated in affluent economies or flow through these centres. Thus, it makes sense to try to examine the nature, empha sis and implementation of the anti-money laundering regulation and efforts in London and the UK within a broader regional and global context involving other major financial centres from around the world. It is with the previously mentioned objectives of interest to all those with an interest in the topic of discussion that this dissertation attempts to examine critically the prevailing anti-money laundering regime in the UK. To try to examine the anti-money laundering approach in the United Kingdom from the perspectives of domestic concerns, rights, expenses incurred for enforcement and development of European and international law and regulation. To present an examination of the processes for money laundering, their evolution and the manner in which the United Kingdom anti-money laundering regime acts to effectively prevent and deter money laundering. To try to present suggestions for improvements in effectiveness of the anti-money laundering regime in the United Kingdom,

Sunday, October 6, 2019

How telecommunication has shaped the work place Assignment

How telecommunication has shaped the work place - Assignment Example Other pertinent information contained in the white paper could be cited as an authoritative source backed by statistical information and encompasses different organizations on a global sphere. The annual report published by Deloitte presented crucial information regarding three significant drivers of change in the global setting: technology, media and telecommunications. From among the noted predictions under telecommunications include: (1) the preponderance of $100 smartphones; (2) technological devise with near field communications (NFC) capabilities would double in growth; (3) web bypass would predominate emphasizing visual connectivity without the need for Internet access; among others. The information contained herein is relevant in the current research in terms of clearly identifying future trends which have significant impacts in the work setting through its impact on current telecommunications resources used by contemporary global organizations; as well as the need to adapt, adjust, and upgrade, as identified. The authors aimed to determine the impact of smartphones in the health care work settings by initially providing an overview of the development of smartphones. Likewise, the authors expounded on assessing how smartphones were instrumental in transforming the work setting in health institutions through the various applications that were initially offered and which caters to the health care environment. The apparent distraction from tasks were closely examined through a SWOT analysis. The findings revealed some detailed guidelines and best practices to monitor and control the use of smartphones and ensure their beneficial applications within the health care setting. This article is useful in the current study particularly in identifying how a telecommunications application, through the smartphone, has significantly affected and shaped the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Best Practices Position Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Best Practices Position Paper - Essay Example The way organizational culture changes in the wake of the adoption of the best practices is one significant aspect that comes under serious reckoning. It raises eyebrows since the company has an automatic shift within its work methodologies and it wants to emulate the best amongst the business. This imitation is not for the sake of copying workflow by workflow but to attain higher levels within the management regimes when the talk goes out loud regarding the organizational cultural domains. This means that the way employees dress up, do their chores and interact with the clients and customers is in direct proportion with the ways the best practices have been doing for a considerable period of time. (Taylor & Labarre, 2006) Also there is a great deal of check and balance mechanism being conducted so that the mistakes could be avoided and if the same are committed in essence, efforts are made to re-do them in the correct way. The best practices lead to the benchmarks that already exist within the related industries and are indeed deemed as the very best amongst their concerned areas of service. It is necessary for the best practice human resource management to have performance management systems in place before any advancement could be envisaged at some point in time within the future. Once these performance management systems are installed and in place, we can have a proper check and balance mechanism as concerns to the people who are working in the company. Performance management systems make use of the fact that performance is increased on the part of all concerned and there is no shortfall as concerns to commitment, dedication and devotion when at work. What this performance management system does is to ensure that the right people get the bonuses, incentives and so on as well as point out the ones who have fallen short on the company’s expectations over a period of time. This would help in giving them rewards and incentives which will

Friday, October 4, 2019

Short report about living wall Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Short report about living wall - Essay Example Aside from the well-known Canadian Universities such as Waterloo and Queens, there are other Canadian installations of living walls. There are also a plethora of cost and environmental benefits to Nova Insurance, as well as physical and mental health benefits to its employees and clients. Loose walls are not recommended for Nova Insurance, as the plants are grown in the same manner as most house plants. They are in a pot of soil, which requires periodic replenishment and creates an untidy look that is also difficult to maintain in a public setting. Mat systems are created of a cork fibre or felt matting. This method will only support mature plant growth up to five years before reparation is required. This system requires constant irrigation as it is unable to hold water like loose media. This will create an additional cost requirement, as a hydroponics system is required. Structural systems are akin to a block type of system, which can be created in a plethora of sizes, thicknesses and shapes. This is the most recommended media, as they do not require renovation for up to 15 years. This type of system is most readily adaptable to architectural requirements of Nova Insurance, as well as most easily maintained and replaced as necessary. This system offers the highest longevity and performance among the three media. Overall, the structural media is often the most expensive to install initially, however, its maintenance cost is the lowest; longevity is the highest and the most vigorous in growth to achieve second floor expansion. Among varying universities across Canada, there are several other installations of living walls. One such installation is located in Richmond, BC at Vancouver International Airport. This living wall is both interior and exterior. This living wall was designed not only to be aesthetically pleasing, but also to assist the environment through

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Neoliberal Globalization Essay Example for Free

Neoliberal Globalization Essay In the article â€Å"Neoliberal Globalization† by Dan Clawson, the author contended that the advocates of neoliberalism tried to integrate this into globalization. He said that they are continuously attempting to make policies favorable to companies’ profits. Unfortunately, these do not make corresponding benefits and compensations to its workers that trigger labor crisis in the United States. Clawson further argued that neoliberalism should not be misunderstood as an inevitable phenomenon to accompanied globalization. Take for example the internet. Since the internet is a â€Å"powerful force† that connects people in one region to the world, it is also considered as the best contributor in globalization. In order to take that advantage, companies today tried to adapt a neoliberal perspective on the use of the internet to make more profit for themselves. Even so, the internet is for everyone in the world whether a person has wealth and power or not. In addition to this, the concept of globalization of the internet is very different from the perspective of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on globalization. Their belief is to generate most profits for business, much to their interest. The neoliberals believe that the their version of globalization has generated many profits and has made individuals wealthy. Yes, businesses nowadays are indeed making more profit than before because of neoliberal strategies. However, the wealth has been distributed unequally; in other words, wealth has been concentrated in certain business people. Clawson demonstrates this wrong argument of neoliberals by providing two different economy periods namely, the welfare state and the neoliberal state. Clawsons argument questioned why the average family income during the welfare state period was doubled compared to the slow increase during the neoliberalism period, given that the neoliberal oriented economy brought prosperity to the state. There was a noticable increase in income during the later period, but these increases were made by women workers and mostly distributed to the top people in the business. The Neoliberal version of globalization has then resulted in the continuous gap widening between the average workers and the top executives. With this, how does neoliberal globalization damage our economy? The damages are serious and concentrated in the working class population. The more international trade grows, the higher income inequality becomes. This causes more people to lose their jobs because of the companies’ decision to relocate to other countries to cut costs. Many of them relocate their manufacturing jobs to China and the service sector jobs to India. This is the main reason why most of the products we avail are from China, and the servicing jobs are in India. All of these are causes of the companies’ downsizing and the increased unemployment. Clawson proposed some solutions to the neoliberal form of globalization. He said that if the workers formed a union, the capital would be controlled, and there would be a decrease in the relocation. I agree with this thinking of Clawson. Abolishing the boundless rights corporations have in relocation is an effective way to maintain the workers’ rights. Unfortunately, the process was more complicated than what Clawson suggested. Another alternative was the regulation of labor conditions through organizations, such as the United Nations or the WTO. Clawson proposed that WTO should focus more on the workers rights and environment, and not only the company profits. WTO was established to protect organizational profits. If the right to regulate labor condition is granted to the WTO, there is a possibility that the WTO operate favorably to generate corporations’ profits. Clawson’s neoliberal version of globalization brought labor’s crisis in the United States. He demonstrated these by providing many case examples. However, his proposals did not address possible obstacles, which may follow as a result of those solutions or in the process of formulating those solutions.

How To Properly Write A Resume English Language Essay

How To Properly Write A Resume English Language Essay After the covering letter, we now come to the second important part of the letter of application i.e. Personal Data Sheet. In the United States, the Personal Data Sheet is referred to as Resume and in Europe, it is called C.V. i.e. Curriculum Vitae meaning Course of Life. Both the resume and the C.V. are similar in structure and content. We shall use the word resume in this chapter. A resume is a factual as well as a persuasive summary of a persons education, employment background, job qualifications and other relevant personal details. It is a structured, written document. All the job advertisements ask for the resume of the applicant. Even if it is a walk-in interview, the candidate is expected to carry his resume along with other related documents for the purpose of verification. So the first thing that a job aspirant has to do as he begins looking for a job is to prepare his resume. It may be prepared before drafting the covering letter. Having a resume shows that you are aware of your skills and potential, that you are well-organised and well-prepared for your job search. A resume is a form of advertising. The purpose of a resume is to kindle employer interest and generate an interview. For an advertised job opening, there would be hundreds of other job seekers with whom you would have to compete for the same position. Therefore, your resume probably has less than 30 seconds to make an impression. So you must take great care while drafting your resume. If required, write several rough drafts before writing the final draft. This will help you to make your resume attractive, comprehensive and compact. Ideally, your resume should not be more than one page. But if you have a long list of academic achievements, or if you have worked at several places and handled many different job profiles, then you may have to prepare a somewhat longer resume. You should select an appropriate resume format using which you can clearly specify all the important information in a visually appealing manner thus making it easier and interesting for the reader to grasp and verify the facts. Keep the following points in mind while writing your resume- The appearance of your resume is very crucial. A resume that is too long, too packed with information, typed in poor layout and sloppy font, or having even a single spelling or grammatical error will often be rejected without being read. The first impression of you that gets formed in the mind of your prospective employer is based not on the content but on the appearance of your resume. Therefore, your resume should look sharp. The layout should make the information easy to grasp. For an impressive resume- Your resume should emphasize your strongest, most impressive qualifications and achievements. It should convey the desired impression by focusing on your strengths, but you must take care not to distort the facts. Avoid exaggeration. Do not claim skills you dont have. However, make sure that you downplay your weaknesses at the same time. Once you have analysed your skills and you know what you have to sell, then you can shape the elements of your resume accordingly, make it more personalized and thus effective. The bare essentials of a resume are as under: Heading A resume heading must show at a glance who you are, how you can be contacted and what kind of job you are seeking. Do not use the word Resume as the title. Most resume headings often consist of- name, address, phone number and email id center-aligned at the top of the page. But if you have a specific job in mind, use a heading which indicates that. But once you have worked in your selected field for a year or more, then education is usually given less emphasis in a resume. So if work experience is your strongest qualification, then you should mention the section on employment history first and place a greater emphasis on your accomplishments and you should provide less detail about your academic credentials. Work Experience This section should list all relevant work experience. The details you provide here help the employer/s to evaluate whether you have the necessary qualifications and decide if you are competent enough for the job. Therefore, your description of your work experience should highlight the relationship between your previous jobs and the position you are seeking. Lay a special emphasis on the skills you have developed while handling those responsibilities. If you achieved something significant while performing your job duties, then you must mention it. Example: Devised a new procedure in marketing research which accelerated the process of data collection and analysis List your jobs in reverse chronological order. If you are already employed at the time of applying for a new job, then mention joining date and use the phrase to present to indicate the period of employment with the current employer. The section on work experience should include the following details: You may also include volunteer work, internships, student teaching, research projects, summer and part-time jobs, etc. even if these jobs have no direct relation to your present career objective. These would show that you have the ability to get a job in the first place and to adapt to different work environments. Most employers find this quality quite impressive. However, devote more space to the jobs that relate to your target position. Relevant Skills In this section, you should describe other miscellaneous facts that relate to your career objective like languages that you are proficient in, your knowledge about computers, other related technical skills, etc. You can include a special section titled Language Skills or Computer Skills and place it near your Education or Work Experience sections. Activities and Achievements In this section, describe any volunteer activities that you participated in and that demonstrate your abilities or work-related skills like leadership, teamwork, communication skills, etc. You may group your activities and/or achievements under different headings like College Activities, Community Service, Professional Associations, Seminars and Workshops, Achievements, Awards, and Honours, etc. Personal Data This section helps present you as a well-rounded personality and enables the employer to know you as a person. The details that you mention here can be used to initiate conversation during an interview. Thus, list job-related interests and hobbies, esp. those indicating stamina, strength, sociability, etc., that can help you gain an edge over your competitors. Mention your hobbies, travel experiences, or personal characteristics, particularly if they suggest qualities that relate to your career goals. Remember, your personal details should be listed briefly and modestly. You should omit or downplay references to age if it could suggest inexperience or approaching retirement. You must exclude any detail that could lead to discrimination like references to gender, marital status, religion, or nationality. References Employers often ask for academic transcripts, samples of your work, or letters of recommendation prior to or after an interview. Be ready to provide these documents as they increase your chances of getting the job. Many potential employers prefer to have actual references on the resume whom they can contact in order to verify the details that you have provided or to get more information about you as a person/an employee. Provide minimum two and maximum four references. Mention their details either at the end of your resume or prepare a separate sheet for References. Or you may insert a line at the end of your resume offering to supply the names of references on request. Example: References available on request While drafting the list of references, keep the following points in mind- Supply names of academic, employment, and professional associates- but no relatives. Provide a name, a title, an address, and a telephone number and email address for each reference. List no name as a reference unless you have that persons permission to do so. Exclude your present employer if you do not want the firm to know you are seeking another position, or add Resume submitted in confidence at the top or bottom of the resume. TYPES OF RESUME LAYOUTS As a job seeker, you will find that you have many different resume layouts available from which to select the best organizational plan that would help you to focus attention on your strong points. The layout you choose must accentuate the information that directly concerns your career objective and should play down or exclude any details that are irrelevant or that may harm your prospect instead of helping you to achieve your aim. The different resume styles include the Basic Resume, the Chronological Resume, the Functional Resume, the Targeted Resume, and the Creative Resume. The right choice of the resume layout will depend on which aspect of your qualifications you want to highlight and your career goal(s). The Basic Resume It is ideal for those without any work experience. It contains the basic information- contact details, education, activities, skills, interests, summer/part-time jobs, etc. The main focus is on education and training. The Chronological Resume The chronological approach is the most traditional and most common way of organizing a resume and it is preferred by many recruiters. It is best suited for those who have lots of career-related experience. The chronological resume lists a persons education and employment history in reverse chronological order, starting with and giving more space to the most recent positions. Under each listing, you should describe the responsibilities and accomplishments associated with each job or academic experience. In the chronological plan, the Work Experience section dominates the resume and is placed immediately after the name and address and the objective. The chronological resume has following characteristics: It highlights the applicants impressive career progress. The applicant emphasizes his achievements by using an indented list. The applicants special qualifications are presented as Personal Data. The chronological resume is used when the applicant wants to continue along the established career path and his career graph shows a positive, upward movement i.e. it is marked by achievements and consistent progress. It is similar to the Basic Resume, but also includes Related Experience, Additional Experience, Activities, Affiliations, Skills (Languages and Computer), Interests, etc. It is not advisable to use the chronological layout when- You are applying for your first job. You have changed jobs frequently. You plan to change your field of work. You are searching for a job after some gap. The Functional Resume In a functional resume, the primary focus is on your skills and accomplishments. Education and experience are mentioned in subordinate sections. This format is effective for people who are entering the job market or re-entering after a considerable gap. It emphasizes capabilities, skill levels, and accomplishments rather than job titles or time spent at various jobs. This plan is best suited for those who want to work in different fields, or those who have not achieved much success in past, or those who have done several unrelated jobs, or those who have been working freelance or part-time. A functional resume has following characteristics: The applicant describes experience first. The use of action verbs and specific facts enhances this resumes effectiveness. The applicants sketchy work history is described but not emphasized. The Targeted Resume This kind of organizational plan shows how you qualify for a specific job i.e. what you can do for a particular employer in a particular position. It is best suited for those who have a clear idea of what they want to do and who can demonstrate their ability in the targeted area. List related capabilities and achievements which provide evidence of your capabilities immediately after stating your career objective. List your work experience and education in subordinate sections. The Creative Resume It is used when applying for creative positions in advertising or entertainment. You can demonstrate your creativity by using elaborate sentence structure, attractive layout, decoration, colour, method of folding, or drastically different writing. It is best suited for people who have an artistic and imaginative temperament. ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF A GOOD RESUME No matter which layout you choose for your resume, you can write an effective resume only if you keep in mind your target audience (i.e. the prospective employer) and the specific job requirements. A good resume should have the following characteristics: Your resume should not be too lengthy. It should be concise and relevant. One-page long is ideal. It should not be sketchy. It should contain all necessary information required for a proper evaluation of the applicant. Your career goals and job preferences should be apparent from the career objective that you state at the very outset of your resume. Your resume should be visually appealing. Leave proper margins and enough white space. Use proper indentions and underlining. Use good quality paper and print. Your resume should be legible. The language you use should be simple and easy to understand. Use sentences beginning with action words instead of writing in long, convoluted sentences. Verbose and flashy resumes are ineffective and are often rejected even before being read. Be careful with grammar. A resume that is replete with spelling and grammatical errors will create a bad impression and the reader will conclude that the applicant does not possess good verbal/language skills. Remember, having good communication skills is an important qualification by itself. Your resume should present a realistic picture of your skills and achievements. It should not come across as too professional or polished, else it will appear superficial. Give factual evidence in support of your claims with regard to your academic and professional credentials. Do not be boastful. Be sincere. Do not include wrong or baseless information in your resume as it would expose your amateurism and reveal your poor understanding of the business world or of the particular industry.